Cancellation, Refund and Withdrawal Policies

As a licensed institution by the State of Florida, we are required to abide by a cancellation and refund policy. This policy is in place to comply with both the state’s regulations and the requirements set forth by our accrediting agency, the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training (ACCET). In the event of a cancellation or withdrawal, we compare the policies of both the state and ACCET and follow the one that is most favorable to the student.

I need help
a man with his arms crossed

Cancellation and Refund Policy (For Students Enrolled in a Program)

Should a student be terminated or cancelled for any reason, all refunds will be made according to the following refund procedure:

Cancellation may be made in person, by telephone, and/or writing.

All monies will be refunded if the applicant

is not accepted by the Institute or if the student cancels within three (3) days after signing the Enrollment Agreement and making initial payment including the One-Time Non-Refundable Registration Fee of $150.00 (See OTHER FEES.)

Cancellation after the third (3rd) day, but before the first class, will result in a refund of all monies paid

Except for the One-Time Non-Refundable Registration Fee of $150.00 (See OTHER FEES).

Cancellation (withdraws or terminations) after attendance has begun, but prior to 60% completion of the program

Will result in a Pro Rata refund computed on the number of hours completed to the total of hours to complete in the period of enrollment.

Cancellation (withdraws or terminations) after attendance has begun, after completing 60% of the program will result in NO refund.

Termination Date

The termination date for refund computation purposes is the last date of actual attendance by the student or receipt of cancellation notice.

If NPTI cancels a program/course subsequent to a student’s enrollment, the Institute will refund all the applicable monies paid by the student

Including the One-Time Non-Refundable Registration Fee of $150.00 (See OTHER FEES). If the student agrees, monies may be transferred to the next available start date.

For any armed forces members called to active duty during their program of study, New Professions Technical Institute will provide the student a pro rata refund through the last day of attendance of the last course completed

With the exception of the One Time Non-Refundable Registration fee of $150.00 (see OTHER FEES).

If any portion of the tuition was paid from the proceeds of a loan or third party, the portion to be refunded shall be sent to the lender, third party or, if appropriate, to the state or federal agency that guaranteed or reinsured the loan.

Any amount of the refund in excess of the unpaid balance of the loan shall be first used to repay any student financial aid programs from which the student received benefits, in proportion to the amount of the benefits received, and any remaining amount shall be paid to the student.

Refunds will be made within 30 days after receiving the cancellation notice from the student, or the last day of attendance as determined by the school, whichever is first.

If the student never attends (no-show), all applicable refunds will be made within 30 days of the first scheduled day (start date)

with the exception of the One-Time Non-Refundable Registration Fee of $150.00 (See OTHER FEES).

Refund Calculation

For an enrolled student, all refunds due will be calculated using the last date of attendance (LDA) and be paid within thirty (30) calendar days from the documented date of determination (DOD). The amount owed equals the daily charge for the period of enrollment (total institutional charge, minus non-refundable fees, divided by the number of days in the period of enrollment), multiplied by the number of days scheduled to attend in the period of enrollment, prior to withdrawal.

a man with his arms crossed

Withdrawal Policy

A student may withdraw from the Institute at any time and for any reason. In this regard, a student shall be deemed to have withdrawn from a program of instruction if any of the following occurs:

The student notifies the institution of his/her withdrawal.

The Institution terminates the student’s enrollment for failure to maintain satisfactory progress

Failure to abide by the rules and regulations of the institution; absences in excess of maximum set forth by the institution; and/or failure to meet financial obligations to the Institute.

The student has failed to attend class for 14 calendar days.

Failure to return from a leave of absence.

The student displays conduct that is found by the administration to be detrimental to the individual, other students, the community or the school.

Any unauthorized use of the Internet for personal use or exploring sexually explicit sites.

The student deliberately damages equipment and or loads software not authorized by the school in writing.

For an enrolled student, the refund due will be calculated using the last date of attendance (LDA) and be paid within thirty (30) calendar days from the documented date of determination (DOD). The amount owed equals the daily charge for the period of enrollment (total institutional charge, minus non- refundable fees, divided by the number of days in the period of enrollment), multiplied by the number of days calendar to attend in the period of enrollment, prior to withdrawal.

For any armed forces members called to active duty during their program of study, New Professions Technical Institute will provide the student a pro rata refund through the last day of attendance of the last course completed, less the One Time Non-Refundable Registration fee of $150.00 (see OTHER FEES).

If any portion of the tuition was paid from the proceeds of a loan or third party, the refund shall be sent to the lender, third party or, if appropriate, to the state or federal agency that guaranteed or reinsured the loan. Any amount of the refund in excess of the unpaid balance of the loan shall be first used to repay any student financial aid programs from which the student received benefits, in proportion to the amount of the benefits received, and any remaining amount shall be paid to the student.


If any portion of the tuition was paid from the proceeds of a loan or third party, the refund shall be sent to the lender, third party or, if appropriate, to the state or federal agency that guaranteed or reinsured the loan. Any amount of the refund in excess of the unpaid balance of the loan shall be first used to repay any student financial aid programs from which the student received benefits, in proportion to the amount of the benefits received, and any remaining amount shall be paid to the student.

a man wearing glasses and a backpack

Federal regulations

is based on the percentage of Title IV funds earned by the student at the time of withdrawal. In order to determine whether Title IV funds must be returned, the school must calculate the following:

To determine the percentage of the period of enrollment completed, the number of days* attended in the period of enrollment is divided by the total days* in the period of enrollment.

The net amount of Title IV funds disbursed, and that could have been disbursed for the period of enrollment

Is multiplied by the percentage of the period of enrollment completed. The result is the amount of earned Title IV aid.

The earned aid is subtracted from the aid that was actually disbursed to, or on behalf of the student.

The institution will return the lesser of the total unearned aid or the institutional charges for the period of enrollment.

Unearned aid is allocated back to the Title IV programs in the following order as specified by law:

a. Unsubsidized Direct Loan Program.
b. Subsidized Direct Loan Program.
c. Direct PLUS Program.

If excess funds remain after repaying all outstanding loan amounts, the remaining excess shall be credited in the following order:

d. Federal Pell Grant Program.
e. Other assistance awarded under this title for which return of funds is required.

This calculation may result in the student owing the school money based on the refund policy listed above.

If a student terminates the training after completing over 60% of the total number of hours of instruction for the period of enrollment, the student will be responsible for the full contract price of their enrollment.

If a student obtains a loan to pay for their educational program, the student will have the responsibility to repay the full amount of the loan plus interest and any applicable fees, less the amount of any refund as related to the loan. If the student has received federal student financial aid funds, the student is entitled to a refund of the money’s not paid from federal student financial aid program funds.

For enrolled students, all refunds due will be calculated through the last day of attendance (LDA) and be paid within thirty (30) days from the documented date of determination date. The documented date of determination is written or verbal notice from the student and or by applying the Institution’s satisfactory academic progress policy and or attendance policy. If any refund, the student will receive a Notice of Refund stating the amount of the refund and to whom refund was made.

A student may be granted a Leave of Absence (LOA). If the student fails to return to the institution on the date scheduled, refunds must be made within forty five (45) calendar days from the last day of the scheduled LOA and calculated from the last actual day of attendance. For students receiving financial assistance from loans, any refundable charges will be made first to the Federal Direct Loan Programs, any additional refunds will next be made to the Federal Pell Grant Program, then to the Federal SEOG Program, then to other Title IV programs. Any additional refund due will be made to the student/sponsor and then to the New Professions Technical Institute.

Once purchased and used, supplies and books (E-Books) become the property of the student and these items are considered as “NON- REFUNDABLE”. The refund policy applies to tuition which includes the full cost of all equipment, books (E-Books) and supplies received and used, without regard to the date of withdrawal and these are considered as “NON-REFUNDABLE”.

*Days = calendar days for purposes of this formula, and therefore include weekends and holidays. Only scheduled breaks of 5 days or more and approved leaves of absence are excluded.